Advancing entertainment at the intersection of activism, art and advocacy.

Transforming the world of entertainment assets acquisition.


It's time to modernize
entertainment  acquisitions


Film & TV

Streaming services, consumer viewing habits, and technological advances are changing the landscape of film and television entertainment. As a result, content-driven digital age, film and TV catalogs offer a compelling investment opportunity.



Theater catalogs and Broadway catalogs offer a unique opportunity to combine live theater's timeless appeal with today's lucrative distribution channels. With global licensing, digital streaming, and innovative production revivals, catalogs represent a significant upside asset class with significant upside potential.



Digital streaming services have dramatically expanded the reach and accessibility of music, transforming how content is monetized and consumed globally. With stable returns, growth potential, and portfolio diversification, music catalog investments are a compelling investment.


Digital Transformation

With content and streaming services changing, as well as the entire value chain and experience of media, the media and entertainment industries have been dramatically transformed by digital disruption. The media & entertainment industry has never been more competitive-or more ripe for disruption-than now. By leveraging digital transformation and industry trends, our professionals help media & entertainment companies gain competitive advantage.

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